Getting Through Menopause

There is a natural end to our body’s reproductive cycle that every woman goes through called menopause. This can bring up a lot of fear in us mostly because we’ve heard from the older women in our lives about the hot flushes that occur randomly, the mood swings and the feeling of loss of control of our body. The 2 main hormones that contribute to symptoms are estrogen and progesterone.

Both men and women produce estrogen but women produce more. Estrogen also has a role to play in maintaining bone health. Imbalances in this hormone and as women age we notice symptoms such as loss of bone strength and an increase in the the rates of fractures (1). In men as they age their estrogen levels also drop and may notice an increase in belly fat or loss of libido.

Progesterone is responsible not only fertility but for an overall general wellness of the body. It has natural anti-inflammatory proprieties that make it a wonderful hormone for producing a calming effect on the brain and boosting the immune system which can relieve aches and pain.

So what can chiropractic do to help with menopause? Our chiropractors look at the nerve interference from the spine that tell the brain about the levels of hormones in the blood. The communication pathway runs through he spine. Chiropractor deal with dysfunctions of the spine. This includes the pelvic joints. A force applied to these joints can have a direct impact of the reproductive organs such as the uterus that have direct attachments to the pelvis.

If you are looking for a natural way to help with menopause symptoms then talk to your chiropractor to see how this is right for you.

Have a listen to our chiropractor talk more about this.


  1. Tanner, D.A, Kloseck A, Crilly R.G. Chesworth B & Gilliland J. Open Access. Hip fracture types in men and women change differently with age. 2010.